About Us





The Provider Services Opening Directory is a state-based directory of service openings of provider’s serving people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

The directory also provides access to these service openings to the Support Coordination Agencies/Coordinators that help individuals/families identify and secure services.

This low-cost fee-based internet service offers providers the ability to post tailored service openings and support coordination agencies the ability to easily search and identify openings that match the needs of the individual that they can then share with individuals/families.

Searchable criteria include: the type of service, location, location type (if applicable), consumers served, unique disabilities serviced (if applicable), and descriptions of support offered by the agency, in general, and for each service they provide.

Sign up today and find out how this directory can save providers and support coordination agencies time and money by creating an efficient marketplace for the offering and searching of service openings to people with intellectual/developmental disabilities.